Joyeux Anniversaire!

Had a blast celebrating Uncle Joe�s birthday last night. He just turned 78. Way to go! Anyway, the best part was me being setup with this Chinese guy by a common friend of UJ. He is mature (non-negotiable requirement for me), average but presentable, short but well proportioned and big time rich! Disappointed that nothing materialize with all the flirting, not that I am expecting, maybe just a little. But he agreed to meet some other day (That�s his idea by the way) but how? We�re not even able to exchange numbers! Bummer! Anyway, got wasted for having red wine and champagne all night and I avoided beer take note. Hit the sack at around 2:30. Anyhow, just enjoy life �coz it�s not forever. Cheers!
ahh.. d name UJ's clear now. gosh, 78 great! and.. yay! a set-up. if possible, set me up din ha.. you know what i want.. MEJICO! :D yay!
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