Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I can’t stand it. Our new helper a.k.a. witch is making my blood run out of my ears. Staying with her in one roof is not funny anymore. Let me give you an idea why I HATE her (Big Time!)
- She doesn’t know how to flush the freakin toilet (even if we remind her thousand of times already…hopeless!)
- Don’t know how to use the bloody fork (yeah, she only eat using a spoon. Quite a talent she has there eh?)
- She has this weird habit of talking to her self (Scary!)
-She likes to give everyone a piercing look for no particular reason (Total Madness!)
-She likes to sing and boy I have to tell you she is definitely not giving a good performance.
- This list can go on and on. I better stop. This is all non sense. *sigh*
Benz | | # | 
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Witchie witch
We have a new helper in the house. She is old and
very kikay. Yes, you heard me right, Kikay with a capital K! Imagine an oldie wearing striped sleeveless matched with a boho inspired skirt plus a rainbow-colored clip in her super straight golden corn thread like hair! I don’t know but I have this weird feeling about her. She is not giving a first good impression to me. I am literally ignoring her. Yes, I’m a
BAD BOY! And also, I noticed that she is always in front of the mirror fixing her hair and making sure her clip is in its proper place. She is not a teenager for god sake! And one time she even lied to my mother about her age! She claimed that she is 45. So meaning to say my mom is older than her? Oh come on!
I have a 20/20 vision eh! I can clearly see the difference between a mature woman and an elderly. She is one of a kind! Not only that, she is very sluggish so whenever I see her it’s like my world would suddenly go slow mo! It is very infectious and I hate it. The other helper even calls her a witch! Hahaha I observed also that she has a good appetite. She can eat rounds and rounds of meal in one seating. Unbelievable! Hmm Oh well, who am I to judge. She can do whatever she wants. For all I care. It’s just so irritating to see her roaming around. Fire her now. Pronto!
Benz | | # | 
Sunday, November 13, 2005
I just wanna give my good friend royce a big welcome for hopping in the bandwagon of bloggers! I am looking forward to see alot of entries from your exciting and fabulous life. Just don't forget to link me up. All the best!
Visit his blog and give some lovin to royzsky
Benz | | # | 
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Happy birthday Bro!
Hey hey hey! Its your 14th birthday bro. Im sure you're going to have a good one this year. I heard dad is planning to buy you a new mobile phone hehehe rumors! LOL Anyway I wish you all the best! Take care my little bro!
Benz | | # |