Thursday, January 12, 2006
Old house

Taken last 26 Oct '05 during our trip in Pangasinan.
Benz | | # | 
Sunday, January 08, 2006

Sunset in Taal Lake. Taken 22 October '05.
Benz | | # | 
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Goodbye 2k5, Welcome 2k6

I can’t believe another year has passed. Time flies soooo fast and before you know it another year is about to start. Yes, another year to live, another year of struggle… just another year. 2k5 is a bad year for me and I am glad it’s over. I hope 2k6 will bring me great luck. Anyway, just so you know, we welcome the New Year sans the firecrackers (fountain, luces, sintron ni hudas, etc.) As in its very quiet and I don’t even bother get up of my bed just to see our neighbors light their crackers and allow my ear drums to be wrecked with all the earsplitting noises plaguing our street. What a great way to start the New Year eh? Anyhow, to all you people, I wish you all the best this 2006!
Maligayang Bagong Taon // Gelukkig Nieuwjaar // Gutes Neues Jahr // Subh Nab Bars // Antum salimoun // S Novym Godom // Feliz Año Nuevo // Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun // Sawadee Pee Mai // Xin nian yu kuai // Kenourios Chronos // Bonne Année // Feliz ano novo // Hauoli Makahiki Hou // Srecna Nova Godina // L'Shannah Tovah // Elamat Tahun Baru // Buon Capo d'Anno // Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu // Godt Nyttår
Benz | | # |