
I’m busted! I just found out this evening that our helper arranged my stuff in my bathroom cabinet. So what, right? But the thing is, she even managed to sort my packs of condoms and lubricants! LOL It’s not really a big deal for me as a matter of fact I find it hilarious but I’m worried for her. You know, she is still virgin with the ways of the world (as far as I know) so I can imagine what’s going on her mind whilst arranging my “THINGS”. My packs of condoms from Europe (which being supplied by my very liberated mom. Yes, you heard me right, my mommy! LOL) contains very graphic illustrations (leaves nothing to your imagination!) unlike the pack of condoms you buy locally where you only have the boring-black-and-white visual. As if it’s important right? LOL Anyway at least my things are clean and organized now…. by flavors. LOL
ask her if you need to give her a demo on how it's used. LOL Ü
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