Thursday, October 27, 2005
chilly baguio
Woke up early to prepare for our trip to the Pine City. We hired someone to drive for us this time. He knows the way in Baguio and also for me to recuperate after a long drive yesterday. My mom and uncle went straight to the market to buy some vegetables while my brother and I agreed to stroll down to Burnham park. It was chilly and a bit cloudy that day with a few showers in the afternoon. After that my brother tag me to go with him in SM to meet up with mom. We proceed to Mines View and bought some souvenirs. Had our not-on-time-lunch nearby. Bought some jams in Good Shepherd and went to relax for the rest of the day.
Benz | | # | 
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
I am totally dead. My arms and legs are aching, so much that I don’t wanna leave the car after we arrived. I seriously need a full body massage. LOL It was a long drive. We left the house around five in the morning and arrived about 11. I unload my stuff and went to eat lunch. I had bangus (sinigang) which Pangasinan is famous for. Spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping. Not as eventful as I hoped for. Anyway it’s a good thing I brought along my laptop. I can occupy myself by playing some games or watch DVDs. And be able to upload my pics from the digicam since I only got a 128 memory card. Anyhow, I’ll just keep you guys posted.
Benz | | # | 
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
north invasion
We will be leaving tomorrow early for Pangasinan. We will be attenting a wedding on Saturday. Mom is one of the sponsors and I’m not surprised since each time we received an invitation she is on the list. You may think we are way too early for the wedding right? Well, we will be spending a few days in Baguio. So I’ll just keep you guys posted when I come back. I need to pack my things now. Enjoy the rest of the week people! By the way, I will be one who will drive, for five hours! Damn, my poor legs! LOL
Benz | | # | 
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Operation general cleaning
Our house general cleaning officially starts today. To begin with, I was assigned to clean the outside walls and garage. So with that I armed myself with a water pressured gun to eliminate all the dirt glued to the floor and walls. Task completed. So proud but I was so wet from the water spray bouncing back. But in a way it’s not bad coz it helps cool things down. Literally down! Kidding! I badly need a break ... aching back now! LOL
Benz | | # | 
Saturday, October 15, 2005

I’m busted! I just found out this evening that our helper arranged my stuff in my bathroom cabinet. So what, right? But the thing is, she even managed to sort my packs of condoms and lubricants! LOL It’s not really a big deal for me as a matter of fact I find it hilarious but I’m worried for her. You know, she is still virgin with the ways of the world (as far as I know) so I can imagine what’s going on her mind whilst arranging my “THINGS”. My packs of condoms from Europe (which being supplied by my very liberated mom. Yes, you heard me right, my mommy! LOL) contains very graphic illustrations (leaves nothing to your imagination!) unlike the pack of condoms you buy locally where you only have the boring-black-and-white visual. As if it’s important right? LOL Anyway at least my things are clean and organized now…. by flavors. LOL
Benz | | # | 
Friday, October 14, 2005
Benzgasm V.3

How do you find the new look? Yes, this is the new and improved Benzgasm. I decided to modify again the template since I was stiff bored with the all-black-drama look and my navigation menu at the top is not displaying properly using a firefox browser. To make things simple I just make a CSS-based menu. I make use of subtle and neutral colors so it’s easy on the eyes. I was able to make my own CSS also for my shout box to complement with the color theme. I did all the coding for four hours. I must admit that I’m a very impatient man. When I start something, I want it to be done fast to see the end result. And I actually enjoyed all the designing and the coding. Hmmm Maybe I can take a formal lesson in web design/development. This is my calling! Hahaha Anyhow, just let me know what you think of the new layout. Tata!
Benz | | # |